The main devlog with the general stuff is gonna be at I'll post on some of the harder things I'm wrestling with.
To kick off, I really want this kind of corridor worm thing, but the 8 sprites per scanline thing is sort of limiting.

Maybe have the "face" as a sprite and the body as scrolling tiles.
I'm already cheating a lot, but I'm actually thinking about going through some areas to make sure I cheat less and less.
This is the palette I'm using:

It's something that was posted here ages ago and I've used it ever since :X. Not sure how it was constructed.
The game is going to have a regular wide screen option and a "classic" mode. Enemy spawners and ranges will shorten a bit for classic mode, but most things seem to work pretty good on either mode with the same values. The blue UI icon will need to be player sprite color for classic mode too.
