Everyone's favorite term added. Cluster! I took the liberty to broaden the originally proposed definition from "equally colored connected pixels" to "perceptually connected" and in the same breath added super-cluster, sub-cluster and fragment as terms for the mind to think about when pondering how to shape, place and combine clusters. An interesting observation is that the relationship between any two neighboring (sub)clusters, both in shape and value, has an effect on the implied orientation and direction of both clusters.

A patch of perceptually connected pixels which
are part of the description of a shape, volume
or texture or any other element.
A cluster may be thought of as a fragment of
any element, as a sample of anything, as seen
by the eye or as imagined.
Shaping and shading a cluster gives direction
and orientation to the cluster itself which
also serves to give direction and orientation
to the element which the cluster aims to help
Shadow and light on a cluster can be thought
of as individual (sub)clusters as well. Single,
perceptually separated pixels are not clusters
by definition.
further reading:
http://wayofthepixel.net/index.php?topic=8110.0 - Ramblethread
http://wayofthepixel.net/index.php?topic=15566.0 - 1st Cluster Study Thread
http://wayofthepixel.net/index.php?topic=15018.0 - 2nd Cluster Study Thread
(just search for "cluster" on this board... there are a few more
