@Ambivorous : Helm is less grey-obsessed these days, but he has some nice examples of pushing grey against other colors in his Pixel Joint gallery.
@Atnas: Drawing with two line colors on the bottom image, or just crappy photo?
I like the looseness that comes from indexpainting with a truecolor 'backbuffer' (this is basically how it works in GIMP 2.9) -- you can 'invisibly build up' paint until it passes a threshold and becomes visible. More and more this is how I prefer to do pixely stuff. Manual pixel work is necessary, but too much of it and I think the result becomes 'pixel' first to the considerable detriment of the 'art' (overall impression/feel) aspect.

Each icon took ~10m (I find alternating A B A B A B ... where A and B are different tasks in at least slightly different locations helps maintain staying power on both tasks). Mostly with paintbrush and airbrush; DB32 palette.