Tomic - your gift made me lol
Lots of fantastic stuff here guys @_____@ and Drazelic, the sword in the present wrapping ending up what it was upon viewing full really blew me away to open

Dem octopi...
Russian cat overlord reminds me of the goblin king from The Hobbit in a way, great scenery there too

Fun troupe of jesters, Pistachio!
Gingerbread will never be the same, Peach.
Wicked pattern work, Jeremy.
The backdrop sets a good stage, Dusty, what awaits the lone character wandering into what is CLEARLY a battle zone in the grass?
Interesting showdown, Carnivac. Now make the game!
adcrusher... yes?

Batty zelda scene, Batzy. I dig it.
Christmas at the ground zero bomb shelter lab, Riva? Eerie and beauteous at the same time.
Lots of grand scene renderings from a bunch of you as well.
Good output this year, santas!