AuthorTopic: Feature 09 - Autumn Tileset WIP - Forest tileset  (Read 157724 times)

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #110 on: October 24, 2012, 09:22:30 am
 :-[ I need critic about this cliff again..

« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 03:35:27 pm by Beetleking22 »

Offline Facet

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #111 on: October 24, 2012, 06:50:59 pm
To second Zizka: I like the idea of varying the foliage but the way you're doing it with your latest tree variations, with such a marked division is pretty unnatural; as is it had been dipped in paint. As per the photo ref. you've picked out try doing so more irregularly and organically as ageing leaves might.

There are a lot more ways you could mix it up beyond a simple palette change though: how about varying the amount of leaves, perhaps having some trunks almost bare; that's kinda the crux of the season after all :P. You could even branch out into a proper mixed woodland really for a really good variety of shapes, sizes and colours both of the tree and leaves themselves: you seem to be starting to treat all the foliage (trees, bushes, new cliff edge grass) with a very similar texture.

New rock-face looks ok but be careful not to overwork it; the previous edits look great partly for the lack of detailing in some places. Quickly as reference to the problem of alternate interpretation before: The big tonal difference is certainly the main issue but other continuities/interactions would help too eg. bits of rock jutting out into or overlapping the grass underneath, climbing plants etc. with an origin in the lower level.   

The older stand-alone rocks look pretty odd next to the new cliff, they might be from different games. Why not apply some of the cliff improvements thataway?

The start you've made on the water looks very tropical. I'd think about going darker, murker and put more emphasis on the surface and the plants there (duckweed, lillies, rushes, irises) in respect to the latitudes and light levels of the season.

Heh, apologies for the massive, wordy post, I'd been meaning to for a while :D.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 07:42:09 pm by Facet »

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #112 on: October 25, 2012, 10:34:29 am
To second Zizka: I like the idea of varying the foliage but the way you're doing it with your latest tree variations, with such a marked division is pretty unnatural; as is it had been dipped in paint. As per the photo ref. you've picked out try doing so more irregularly and organically as ageing leaves might.

I agree with you guys i had feeling that is was wrong.

There are a lot more ways you could mix it up beyond a simple palette change though: how about varying the amount of leaves, perhaps having some trunks almost bare; that's kinda the crux of the season after all :P. You could even branch out into a proper mixed woodland really for a really good variety of shapes, sizes and colours both of the tree and leaves themselves: you seem to be starting to treat all the foliage (trees, bushes, new cliff edge grass) with a very similar texture.

I have quite  big issue with picking palettes. I always take some color which looks ok and then a change hue saturation to make it more vibrant i have big feeling that im doing this thing wrong. I really don't understand how professional pixel artist like you can pick always beautiful colors and i really wanted understant  how you pick em.

Im going to trying now make more variety for my foliages and i make some naked bare tree with few leaves left on! Thank you very much for the advice  :y:

New rock-face looks ok but be careful not to overwork it; the previous edits look great partly for the lack of detailing in some places. Quickly as reference to the problem of alternate interpretation before: The big tonal difference is certainly the main issue but other continuities/interactions would help too eg. bits of rock jutting out into or overlapping the grass underneath, climbing plants etc. with an origin in the lower level.   

Maybe it is better if i edit previous rock texture?

The older stand-alone rocks look pretty odd next to the new cliff, they might be from different games. Why not apply some of the cliff improvements thataway?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing as you do.. I like to change cliff and rock texture colors because i really dont like them anymore.

The start you've made on the water looks very tropical. I'd think about going darker, murker and put more emphasis on the surface and the plants there (duckweed, lillies, rushes, irises) in respect to the latitudes and light levels of the season.

I tried to test the color with the forest and i didn't not work well  :crazy: It was too bright for a autumn forest. I should make it more darker like you said. Those plant ideas are pretty nice but I'm afraid if it is going to look  like a swamp?

Heh, apologies for the massive, wordy post, I'd been meaning to for a while :D.

Your lessons are important to me because I want to learn more so please dont apologies <3

Offline Facet

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #113 on: October 25, 2012, 08:57:24 pm
I'm not sure that I'm that well qualified to lay out any kind of concrete colour methodology (I am but a hobbyist pixelartist, but thanks :P); actually beyond the foundational/technical stuff like local (native) colours versus situational (reflected) lighting and classic colour harmonies, for most people it's quite an intuitive, personal thing and I think you're doing a decent job already. There's a bunch of good resources for technical concerns if you search for them (here's one) but it really boils down to experience/practice. Pixelart can be particularly difficult, in that it's more exacting, with the obligation find mid-tones and marry disparate hues manually, most of the time I try and plan ahead somewhat, by laying out a few ramps before starting to render; often using reference photos for guidance, but the final product is always going to be the result of lots of experimentation and tweaking.

Both the palette and also the detailing of the rockface I think are really a matter of just stepping back a bit and just looking how they gel together as a scene; neither tiles or colours make that much sense in isolation.

Those plant ideas are pretty nice but I'm afraid if it is going to look  like a swamp?
:D Yeah, I might be over-fond of my plants but of course once you've got 'em you can use 'em as selectively as you want. My concern aside from the saturation/brightness is mainly the concentration of attention and detail (all those dark outlines) underwater; it feels more like a coral reef than inland pond/lake to me. I did a rough example, drawing on some sweet reflection ideas by Sharm here, 'cos I love this stuff. (more raised rocky borders, or some kind of beach might make for a better edging though)

« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 09:45:18 pm by Facet »

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #114 on: October 27, 2012, 08:17:31 pm
I'm not sure that I'm that well qualified to lay out any kind of concrete colour methodology (I am but a hobbyist pixelartist, but thanks :P); actually beyond the base concepts like local (native) colours versus situational (reflected) lighting and classic colour harmonies (built into a lot of software), for most people it's quite an intuitive, personal thing and I think you're doing a decent job already. There's a bunch of good resources if you search for them (here's one) but it really boils down to practice. Pixelart can be particularly difficult, in that it's more exacting, with the obligation find mid-tones and marry disparate hues manually, most of the time I try and plan ahead somewhat, by laying out a few ramps before starting to render, often pulling from reference photos but the final product is always going to be the result of lots of experimentation and tweaking.

Sorry for late post.

Thank you for tips and the links! Yeah i realized that picking palettes is really important to do before rendering. 

Those plant ideas are pretty nice but I'm afraid if it is going to look  like a swamp?
 :D Yeah, I might be over-fond of my plants but of course once you've got 'em you can use 'em as subtly/sparsely as you want. My concern aside from the saturation/brightness is mainly the concentration of attention and detail (all those dark outlines) underwater; it feels more like a coral reef than inland pond/lake to me. I did a rough example, drawing on some sweet reflection ideas by Sharm here, 'cos I love this stuff. (more raised rocky borders, or some kind of beach might make for a better edging though)

Thats is pretty nice edit! I like the rocky borders palettes and the plants and of course water color  :y: Reflection is pretty nice and realistic but it may be difficult to put into the game?

New bush practise.

This looks pretty carppy weird and this is not going to be in game because this is just a practise stuff.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 08:20:14 pm by Beetleking22 »

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #115 on: October 29, 2012, 03:45:12 pm
New tree trunk I need some critic.. I got inspiration from toby tree..

Offline Alanay

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #116 on: October 29, 2012, 11:17:50 pm
New tree trunk I need some critic.. I got inspiration from toby tree..

I think it looks a whole lot better, is this gonna be for a game?

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #117 on: October 30, 2012, 06:36:15 am
I think it looks a whole lot better, is this gonna be for a game?


Here is my new bush critic?

« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 12:51:46 pm by Beetleking22 »

Offline Alanay

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #118 on: October 30, 2012, 01:22:44 pm
That makes me so excited! I know I'm no where near as good as you but I did something very similar to yours but only using 3 colors (not including outline) I stole your grass though. :P Do you mind if I continue this little project? :)

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Autumn Tileset WIP - Struggling with Rock texture

Reply #119 on: October 30, 2012, 03:10:12 pm
That makes me so excited! I know I'm no where near as good as you but I did something very similar to yours but only using 3 colors (not including outline) I stole your grass though. :P Do you mind if I continue this little project? :)

Yes you can take them if you want... I starded make new grass.