Finally, it looks like I've finished all background graphics! Yeah!

I have placed some hires sprites over the multicolor blocks in the title logo. Initionally, I wanted to avoid that, but it looks so much better, doesn't it? A pity, there're only 8 sprites available in a row so that I cannot use these overlays in the standard playfield blocks. Also, I need all the sprites for the action of course.

Added some details like hieroglyphics and new blue background blocks. Also, there's the hidden treasure in there, finally. Don't try to translate the hieroglyphics, I have placed them randomly. (There're a kind of phonetic alphabet, aren't they?)
The treasures: All treasures are build out of 4 hires background blocks with a hires sprite overlay. Also, because of the hires blocks, this means that the treasures have to be placed in an area with black background.

New colors and new rocks... (tehwexxl0rz's rocks as reference - they cleverly use black as a 4th color and like this I do neither need any raster interrupts for the background, nor the pesky reverse mode for 4 color-rocks) The background is now black on blue (instead of blue on back). Does this even make any sense? (using PypeBros's edit as reference)

The 6th and last mockup. This needs raster interrupts again for changing multicolor colors. Looks a bit boring, but there are statues in there!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 07:40:29 pm by Lazycow »

A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. Yes we can!