Ok, it seems like maybe i've been chosen as the crit rep? I duno, but I've been tossing around an idea in my head for a few days, here is a rough draft from the top of my skull.
What I'm thinking about is a mentoring system, but with a twist. The name of the system would be called the "Dog Pound" , people who want to mentor, will have to submit a sort of statement about themselves, and a description on why they want to mentor, with how much time they can devote to mentoring and so forth. After a mentor is accepted, either by having another person vouch for them on top of moderator/representative approval, or some other system, they will be placed in the dog pound, with some sort of graphical representation, where they shall stay until they are "adopted" by a registered member who has registered to adopt from the dog pound.
Now, for those who are looking for a mentor, will have to do the same, they will have to start a post or reply to one already made for the dog pound, stating why they need a member, what qualities they think they are lacking, what they want to get from the mentorship, etc.. Now, since people wanting a mentor might be newish, and not know a lot of people, they may not need to be vouched for by another registered member, rather, only by a peer mod or mod, once accepted, the apprentice can stroll through the dog pound, and look through the different stats of different dogs ( mentors ) in the pound, and if they find one they would like to adopt, then they would post again stating who they want to adopt, and why they feel the qualities of this person would help them.
Once adopted, the mentor and aprentice will share a time limited term, of 2 weeks or something, after which, the mentor will return to the dog pound to await re-adoption if they wish, or if they are busy and can't devote time to mentoring, they will look as if sleeping in the corner of their cell or something. If a mentor doesn't wish to mentor any longer they won't leave the dog pound, they will be displayed as a dead dog, with legs up in the air or something, put to sleep, where they have a chance later on to be resurrected by our fantastic pound docs.
Both persons involved will have access to a adoption graphic for their mentor, that can be displayed in the signature.
The mentors responsibilities should also have some structure, we had a mentoring system in the old pixelation, and I think it would have gone better if the mentors had a little checklist of things to watch for on their apprentices, watch their posts, show them forum eddiquitte, help them with art of course, etc..
The purpose of this is not only to have some sort of official mentoring system, but to have a successful one that is in a structured manner to avoid chaos. I know some of you are thinking, we don't need a system, user A is mentoring me just fine in private message, etc.. and that's nice and all, but how does that help newer members, or people that are afraid to IM someone asking them for help, and what if your mentor doesn't have enough time for you. I know a lot of you are young so think of it this way, it's the difference between calling your buddy up on the phone to ask him a question about your homework, and getting an answer, or having an actual tutor come to your house and teach you the core fundamentals about that exact same subject and have you UNDERSTAND it.
Not only will this help some people stay around for a while, but it will slowly help streamline a lot of our other issues, and even have some draw to people just visiting the forum.
I'm not saying this is a perfect system that will work perfectly, the planets will align, and there will peace throughout the universe, but it is a good skeleton to think about, and maybe even get some flesh on it later.
- Dog
Heres a quick little strip of some possible status icons, I'm thinking each mentor might be given a template, and they can color their icon how they wish