I just started playing minecraft, and I too have considered making a texturepack.
I agree about the general sentiment of it being inaproppiate to represent everything as a phisical reality, this does not fit the utterly abstract blockyness and all of the extremely gamy game mechanics of the game. You should seek an aesthetic which fits with the mininng-crafting but still does not see it as a pure phisical reality, makes it a little more abstract. Notice I'm not saying avoid putting logic behind this blocky world, just show plainly that it's not a purely phisical reality.
Now I must take issue with the rock texture you used, because upon trying all of the creative textures packs out there(that are 16x16, the texture patcher keeps crashing on me) including yours, I always feel like I'm missing something when I go into caves, it always always feels flatter and lighter. I want to feel lost inside a cave, and the textures just dont allow that, so in that sense even Notch's haphazardly scribbled texture trumps anything people have made trying to make it look pretty. Your ores also bug me, they dont seem to tile too well