I wasn't going to post this here because of the liberties I was taking with it(not stealing, but just being lazy), and the medium of which they are being used for(3D)... but in the end they're still tiles and icons and pixel art, and I need help. The Minecraft community is(no offense)... I dunno. Some people don't like the blue in the grass, some think the grass is too bright, some think the brown in the rock is ugly, some don't... It's this over and over. In the end I don't know what direction to take it so I think I'd be better off getting help from you guys. Again, if this is not the appropriate spot feel free to move it I suppose. Currently there are two things that I'm working on, the terrain textures(which are just composed of tiles) and icons.
The current icons are here:

Inventory gui:

Mojang Logo(sorry, generated text), I think I messed up the AA on this:

And the current terrain:

You can ignore the semi-transparent effects in the water and ice. That water isn't being used as I'm using an animated version and I have to apply the transparency in the texture pack as Minecraft doesn't handle that internally.
Everything lower resolution is the original graphics not yet replaced, you can ignore those as well. You may recognize the grass and dirt from old graphics I've made... yes as I said I was lazy and threw them in very early to just get rid of the default textures. I had no idea what to do with a grass texture for a 3D game as it's new territory for me so I never revisited. Also, I apologize if the textures don't make any sense for those not familiar, if I need to write out what is what I'd be glad to.
Here is my to-do list and concerns:
> I need to either touch-up or redo gravel completely(currently a grayscaled version of dirt)
> I'm not sure if I'm yay or nay on the crowdedness of the mine track turn texture. Too many planks of wood is the general consensus, may remove some.
> TNT fuse lines are way too noisy and incomprehensible. Will probably just have one fuse.
> Cotton(the mostly white tile) is plain and doesn't really work well as a texture. Will possibly replace with cross-stitch or pillow-like texture.
> Iron(the grey ore) doesn't stand out apart from diamond very well. I already changed the colors but forgot to update it.
> Diamond perspective does not match the rest of the icons. I had a lot of difficulty with it so I ditched the perspective early on. Need to revisit.
> Stone(cracked) tools aren't immediately differentiated from iron(non-cracked) tools. Need to make them easier to tell apart. Possibly make stone tools darker.
> Ingots shapes are awkward, and I had a very hard time even getting what I have. I need to possibly fix this somehow, but I'm not sure how.
> Paper icon(looks like a hand of cards) sucks. Need to revisit.
So, any help would be appreciated! I don't want to post screenshots as they are not pixel art(given they're 3D and all) but if they're needed I can post them.
There are other odds and ends not posted here since they're mostly model textures(skins) and such. Also, while on the topic this relates possibly to some pixel artists here: