I love the polygon stylizing, too.
Helm, your works like this one make me want to categorize them as modern pixel art. Your usage of the pixel definitely departs from the "retro" hayday of pixel art, and even most pixel works from today. Feels evolved, though not arbitrarily superior to pixel art that doesn't share it's artistic approach. This type of thing is like pop pixel art - the solid red hair, the vertical line dithered jacket, etc, all come together to present us with a fun-to-look-at sophisticated polish evidently the end-result of a profound comfort with the medium plus much experienced experimentation.
And you did the subtle gamma pulsing thing again. It worked really well for the undead girl, but I'm not sure about it here. It occurs to me that it's easily a cheap trick to enhance visual interest, but without relevance to the subject matter, therefore running the risk of only distracting. If given the choice, I'd still keep it actually. It's still unique feeling.
Love the pose and stare too, btw. Very characterful. Great sketch to work off of, it doesn't look like digital drawing.
Chris2balls, good idea but I'm not sure complicating the composition is worth it. Perhaps if your hand had even less contrast perhaps? - it would impact the focus less, sucking away less attention. I'd suggest pointing the pinky finger out like people do when they're fiddling with something using their index finger and thumb (imagine someone sipping from a wine glass, what the pinky does). It'll give it that mandatory Dr. Evil vibe!
Erekt, I prefer Helm's original over your edit. Good effort, but lessening the far eye seems to purport to fake diminishing perspective without fully achieving it correctly, failing. Plus, the altered anatomy seems unnatural - far eye being physically smaller than closer eye;
He wasn't that mutated looking!