AuthorTopic: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups  (Read 10173 times)

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Re: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups

Reply #10 on: October 05, 2006, 11:04:50 pm
The art is generally good, but a few small things stick out at me. The mountains in #1 and the trees in #3 have a thin dark outline and that would probably work better with the style if it was a thicker shadow. Also, the bottom-left status bar in screenshot #5 looks rather jaggedy due to the pixels in vertical lines there.

Offline CrumbBread

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Re: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups

Reply #11 on: October 06, 2006, 03:36:56 am
BTW, i have the right to be mad for what have been done to me, at least respect that.

You have the right to get over whatever it was and swallow your dignity along with the rest of your sandwich, and get back to doing something worthwhile instead of letting the internet run your life. <3

I'm going to play this game when I have time (not for a few days, since I am such an important and busy person and spend my time going Out Of Town on various and sundry Trips). It looks brutally charming. ^_^ Though I myself am not keen on black or very dark outlines...thus the Zangief appeals to me the most, since he lacks most of these inner outlines.

Peace and orange zest to you.

Offline diefox

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Re: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups

Reply #12 on: October 06, 2006, 05:12:05 pm
oh god.. internet doesn't run my life.... never did, but my PRIDE runs it and fucks it up XD
anyway, those are not the screenshots of the actual game working, just mock-ups.
but the first version is almost the same, just the resolution is smaller.

Below are some real screenshots from DT1. If you want to play it, just google for "duel toys"

« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 10:56:33 pm by diefox »

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Re: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups

Reply #13 on: October 07, 2006, 02:10:10 pm
I really like this. Mainly because it's an idea I've tried to do myself of years, I just haven't got around to it for a while. However, my idea didn't involve miniature figurines. Mainly for one reason: A game called "Power quest". It's a rather unknown GBC game that i managed to pick quite a few years ago. The gameplay is strikingly similar to this. Small robot figurines that you upgrade via shops and you go around and defeat opponents in RPG style. Your game has a lot more freedom though, which is a big plus.

Could the overhead style by chance be inspired by the Megaman Battle network games? I see a lot of similarities, there's also the pokémon-esque badge collection. Still, they are all games I enjoy. I'm not accusing you of anything, just saying you've got good sources. The Power Quest similarities are interesting though, even if they are by coincidence.

Anywhoo, I've tested the game. I have to say, for using Multimedia Fusion you've got a pretty solid battle engine. Something to improve on in your next game are the combo attacks. I can hardly execute any special attack at all past the regular hadouken attack. The double button attacks rarely work and I have yet to do a super attack. Also, there are times when I can't damage the opponent at all after a series of hits. Unless it returns after the opponent decides to punch me, I am doomed to loose the match unless I've got time on my side. Apart from that, there's hardly anything technical to complain about as the game is pretty well polished. (There is of course the text that goes beyond the text box, but meh...) I do wish that one could walk around and explore rather than battling in a room until said boss gives you a badge, but that's just a suggestion.

OK, so on to the pixel art.

I actually quite like the way you made the 'duels' in the fighting mode. There are a few things that break up the style though. For example, there are no shades. Yet, sometimes there will be powerfull highlights or eyes that have barely visible shades. At times even the outline has a different colour and that breaks the pattern. The backgrounds have already been covered pretty extensively, so I'm not going to analyse them right now.

As for the overworld, it does suffer from a lot of equal colour hues. Most of the time, the colours rarely vary in contrast and everything sort of merges together. I had a very hard time seeing the faces of the people in the game due to this. If you could increase contrast on the outlines a tad (not too much though) and use shadows where needed, it would be lot better on the eyes. And as a side note, the hero's hair is very pillowshaded.

That said, I really enjoyed playing the game. If the next one turns out even better It'll be a sure download on my side. Keep it up!

Offline diefox

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Re: Duel Toys 2 Mock Ups

Reply #14 on: October 07, 2006, 04:26:40 pm
all right snake!

thanks for the bug report, its quite hard to keep a stable battle engine on MMF, but anyways those bugs REALLY BUG ME, im trying my best to keep DT2.

and OF COURSE i got inspiration from a lot of games, but mainly fighting games, making it a RPG was kind of a last addition, and it ended up like pokemon and megaman, by accident, really XD.

this game is a dream that came true, it brought me lot of good things, its like my chlid. Especially Monica and Paolo, my original characters.

about the pixel art.

ill fix ALL BG and Outline issues you guys pointed.
and about the over world, what should i exactly do? make all charcaters stand out more? make all the colors less saturated, except from the charcters, right?

oh... and i REALLY want to know your ideas for DT2, im making a pre-poll and some characters seems to be pretty popular, want to know your ideas.