I haven't posted for a while as I've been hard at work with uni and such... But still lurk this site from time to time so for those who remember me hi again.
I've been working on an iPhone game and thought I would show off some of the art that's going into it. The aim of the game is to bounce your character to the top of the level using trampolines you draw with your finger.
To create the art I used gimp, creating the images and animation at a high resolution then shrinking them to a lower resolution and touching them up with pixel art like techniques.
Here's main character, this shows his moving up, moving down and swapping between moving up and moving down animations.
This imp transforms into a duplicate of the player when you collide with him, forcing you to look after twice as much. Here is the imps idle animation.
Another enemy. This red guy destroys your trampolines when he runs into them.
The background. This is a parallax background this shows the closest and furthest layers, another layer will likely be placed between. As it is parallax the layers move at different speeds according to the cameras movement.
For those curious the game is made using openGL and using almost entirely c++ code with openAL and AVaudio for sounds.
Map Editor
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