As well as shading the wrinkles, think about the overall form of her legs. Without jeans on, where would it be brightest, and where would it be darkest?
Speaking of which, her lower legs look a lot longer than her upper legs from the extra height of the shoes.
It's not exactly the same pose, but the rightmost jeans in
this picture might help.
Also, in the area that iggybork squared, her leftmost breast looks mucho bigger than her other one.
Nice fix on the hair!
Although, there's still a strange dark patch at the top of her head.
Have you considered decreasing the wind factor on her hair a little? I know her face has to show, but the hair nearest the viewer is looking shorter than the hair in the back, and maybe if her hair came a bit lower you'd be able to see her entire face without that happening.
Or you could just make all of her hair blow out from behind her.
The last thing is that she looks slightly off balance and leans too far to our left - if you draw a line from her head to the area between her feet, it's going to be slanted. Consider changing the position of the bent leg?