It's this season of the year again and this time I will do it, because Panda is busy.
Better be nice, you don't want to draw my wrath

The Secret Santa, for those who are not familiar with it, is an anonymous gift exchanging activity.
Basically, you will be making a present for someone and receiving another one.l
The catch is that you know who you are giving it to, but not who is giving it to you, which makes it a very enjoyable and thrilling activity.
In our case, since we are Pixelation and all, we will be dealing with "pixel gifts".
Only those who sign up in this thread will be able to take part in it.
If you intend to do so, read carefully this thread.First of all, here are some things you should be aware of:- For signing up, you must reply to this thread with a post along the lines of "I sign up" or "Count me in".
Any message without a clear response will be ignored. - Also, when signing up, please put a couple of facts about you. What you like or dislike, hobbies, or whatever you think that would help the gift making.
- Please only sign up if you are 100% sure you will be able to make something for your partner.
If you sign up and do not deliver anything by the due date, you will get a strike and won't be able to participate in the Secret Santa next year.
Be considerate and think about your partner. How would you feel if you didn't get a gift yourself? - Rawsushi, Zolthorg, Ro83rt and PASSOUT can not sign up since they did not deliver presents last year. Tough cookie.
The sign up starts today (November 15th, 2009), and will be open until November 23rd.
You can sign up until I temporarily close the thread, so don't miss your chance.
Once closed, no more participants will be accepted.Shortly after the sign up is over, you will receive a PM (Personal Message) with the name of the person you have to pixel for.
Then you will have
until December 23rd to finish your gift.
Once you are done with yours, please PM me the gift and your partner's name, so I can organize the whole thing before Christmas.
So remember:
November 15th-23rd - Secret Santa Sign upNovember 24th - PM Send out (You will receive your partner's name in your PM)[/s]- DEADLINE CHANGE!!! December 25th, 5:00pm GMT +1 - Last day to send in your gift
If you have any questions feel free to ask in this thread or PM me
Q&AWhat is a "Pixel Gift"?A pixel gift is basically a pixel art piece you will be giving your partner. It can be anything, from an animation, to an avatar or a full fledged picture.
Whatever you want, as long as it is pixelled.
I will be away on December 23rd, Can I still participate?Sure. You do not have to deliver the gift exactly
ON December 23rd. You can send it in as soon as you are done (actually I would recommend everyone to do this).
So as long as you can deliver it on time, you are good to go.
How are you going to pick the partners?First I will be assigning everyone a number according to the order you sign up.
Then I will be running this
random sequence generator and everyone will get a new number.
After that I will re-run the generator once again to pick the order.
I couldn't finish my gift... Can I send in a WIP?Yes, but you will still get a strike, and you must finish it as soon as you can. Or else!
Can I pixel a gift for someone that is not my partner?Sure, feel free to make extra gifts, but before that focus on your partner's.
On the Secret Santa thread, all the gifts will be wrapped (hyperlinked) in one of these wrappers.
You can pick one for your partner (when doing so, address to them as A2 or B3 etc).
In case you don't choose one, a random one will be assigned.
Participants- 8bitty

- Akira

- alkaline

- Argyle

- Atnas

- Austa
- Ben2theEdge
- boojiboy

- CaKsTeR

- Carnivac

- Conceit
- CrazyMLC

- Crow

- darchangel

- Dex

- Dokozai

- Doppleganger

- Dr D
- eldiabolito

- Elk

- Emtch
- EyeCraft

- Fry

- heyy13

- huZba

- ilkke

- Indigo

- Jad

- Jeremy

- JJ Naas

- Joe

- junkboy

- Kcilc

- Kren

- Larwick

- Lizzrd

- lollige

- Maru

- Memo

- Mush

- ndchristie

- Olothontor

- Opacus

- Overkill

- Pawige

- pgil
- Pixelized
- Photocopier

- Quake

- Radiation-Gloves.Drugs

- Red_Mist

- Reo

- rikfuzz

- Rosse

- [Ryan_6666]

- Rydin

- Ryumaru

- Satsume

- Sherman Gill

- skamocore

- SolidIdea

- Stratto

- squishylive
- .TakaM

- The B.O.B.

- ui

- Ultimaodin

- vierbit

- WayneMatthers
- weaselpa

- Xamllew

- Xeno-Striker

- xhunterko

- Zccc

- Zoggles