Hi everyone.
Judging from the dates of this thread this challenge is quite old and I'm not sure if it is even considered still active, but after reading this thread, I felt that I wanted to give it a try myself to train my uhm... 'skills'.
To the right is my first try which I worked on approx. 5 hours this forenoon.
To the left is the revisited first try, which took me *cough* another 2 hours in the afternoon after a short break.(Speed isn't exactly my strength.)
I'm still not happy with the result, so I'll give it another try tomorrow, maybe even completely start over, but I still wanted to share the current state, so here it is:

I checked myself several times to make sure everything is within the color and size limits.
I made use of tile flipping horizontally and vertically but I didn't put the flipped versions in the tileset. The scene is still missing a hero, so far there is only some lonely old witch there.