Hey jennifuh, (this isnt a self portrait is it? </bad humor>)
So I think the problem i had with it the most was the face, but more particularly the neck. It looks like you were letting the reference guide you rather than using a solid understanding of how that area is constructed anatomically and using the reference to help form the exact position. So i had a go at forming up the collar bone a bit more closely to what it looks like in the photo, as well as fixing the neck area as it looked like there was a really bizarre tendon angle going on there. Brought in the hair in 'under' her face as it goes under her neck. gave the earrings a slight bend to them to give the influence there is a breeze influencing all things that are dangling.
The face i rearranged not really so much in its structure, just in its shading to hit certain points i thought you potentially missed (hell i dont think i got them all either) but perhaps it makes the face look a little less 'hard' to me?
Attached near the bottom with the red X's and green checks were some samples of smooth and rough AA work. Ill leave it up to you to interpret it how you can to fix your image, honestly i hate AA of largescale peices like this to the extent that i didnt have the patience to go through it all
hopefully the examples help in some way.
When i first saw your image my first reaction was, "where's the source image' ? My next reaction from my initial impression was 'hey this has a nice realistic feel to it. looks very promising'. After looking at it again only did it really occur to me that the background is about 4 scales more simplified and generic than the character. Id love to see more attention paid to detailing the shore as well as you have done with the woman