I'd love to see that last challenge i did in PJ months ago, in pixelation.
is something like this
you're encouraged to choose between 2 and 4 colors(2minimun 4 maximun) that you believe are the ones that represents you or your work -or- are the ones that you like. use one of the templates below to portrait your palette. its important that yu chose well, because you can only choose once.
now the fun part: when you have choosen your colors(and posted them so others can use them), you must pick another user's colors(just 1 user) and combine them with yours to create a 100x100 image with them.(by combinating I mean taking your colors+his/her colors to create a palette)
As an example, My colors are:
wich combined with LazyCat colors
results in:
you can check how it ended
here. Was quite popular on PJ, and i bet i can be even more crazy here.