AuthorTopic: Crocodingus [iPhone version]  (Read 32119 times)

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #30 on: January 14, 2009, 05:13:52 pm
A single big banana could be more visually identifiable than the cluster. But you'd have to do something about the yellow, it blends in with the grass.

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #31 on: January 17, 2009, 04:31:54 pm
I agree, one banana would be better than the bunch.  Rather than change the colors, I suggest a 1px outline outside of all the power-ups (star, banana.)  Not around the enemies, just power-ups.  I like the colors as they are.  Also, make the one banana thick n' juicy, they look skimpy atm.  Good work, I like it.


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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #32 on: January 20, 2009, 06:08:02 pm

I think it's important that the ground tile contains a lot of eye candy in it's pattern, while the walls are all about adding depth to the equation...and if posible those ground tiles one floor above the playing ground should NOT have the same texture as the ground, since they're not playable.

I think that's a wonderfully logical rule. I totally agree. The "fun-factor" in a game is an abstract element, and nobody can clearly define it, or create a failsafe recipe for perfect gameplay fun every time. So, violoating little things like this, like what Conceit mentioned, detract from the game's fun because now your distracted with mundane things like trying to figure out what's out of bounds, etc, creating the opposite of fun - frustration. We've all played games that nickel-and-dime the fun away until it all that's left is annoyance.

I would like to cast my vote on the contrast-eye-bleeding-too-much-brightness issue - Helm has the right idea, yet ptoing's edit is the one I strongly favor.

Btw madPXL, the 3D world you've created is outstanding. Very cool style!

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #33 on: January 20, 2009, 07:08:00 pm
Just thought I'd post something concerning the mid-day sunshine thing =)
Midday sunshine

When the sun is at its highest point in the sky the light is at its whitest and strongest. Contrast is very high, shadows are very dark, so dark in fact that film emulsions generally render them black - although with the naked eye it can still be possible to see some detail in the shadows. For this kind of lighting to be believably recreated it needs to be very strong and high contrast.

The strong light has the effect of bleaching out colours and these appear to be less saturated than at other times of the day. The strong contrast can make it difficult to create appealing images in this sort of light, however in situations where contrast is naturally lower it can work very well. Water for example can really benefit from this strong light, and many images of tropical seas are taken at midday. In other cases the high contrast can be used to creative effect.

The small shadows and strong light aren't particularly revealing of form, and the low saturation is another drawback. Most photographers avoid using strong midday light, however that doesn't mean these conditions are impossible. As with most things going against conventional wisdom can lead to unusual and creative solutions.

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #34 on: January 20, 2009, 07:21:24 pm
what conciet has quoted is true - generally full sunshine is done with primarily high bright colors, with carefully selected darks - known in design terms as a "high major color chord."  This is a generality though and I don't think that the current image leads us to believe that the scene is anything BUT a sunny day.

I find that things depend greatly on the monitor with which i view it.  here on a large, nice, new screen, it's damnably burning, when I am home, hardly.  on a typical macbook ( i just went around the room looking on my friends'), its washed out and practically invisible but not particularly saturated.  I think the only proper way to to put it on the iphone and judge there.

One of the things I tried to do in my edit was to separate - definitively - the croc from the grass.  I think that I more or less managed this but that it's not something that's happened in this image - I would strongly urge you to consider either further hue shift towards blue or further value shift towards darker tones.
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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #35 on: January 28, 2009, 02:45:34 pm
Hi madPXL! I've just tried the NDS demo of the game. I love the visual styling and stuff, though to me, the character could have stand out more from the BG. There's a lot of things (banana, grass, signboard, etc) going on in the artwork, but somehow, they weren't shown. Maybe the colors are too close / monotonous? Btw, the top screen for the NDS version could have been the map... it's hard to remember where I am after running around for a while. Good luck with the Iphone version : )

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #36 on: March 02, 2009, 06:43:24 pm
Hiya, awesome work there. This is rather off-topic, but I'd need some help with Blender. How do you guys get so crisp textures? Do you get the texture filtering off in realtime too? Since I'm really struggling with those at the moment. I'd like to know how you render these, and how to texture the easy way? Your models are rather blocky so I don't think you get any suprises with texturing, but I'm texturing a VW beetle at the moment, and yeah.

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Re: Crocodingus [iPhone version]

Reply #37 on: March 03, 2009, 12:52:08 pm
For the current 3D view, you have to turn off the mipmap option from System & OpenGL on the hidden top menu of blender.
For the render, you have to turn off the OSA option.

For the UV mapping, the easy way is to work with the pixel snap option enabled and to make a mapping with square/rectangular UV.