Its looking great though the torso could use a few alterations. As is, the breasts are a little bit too big and flat. It looks like they're resting on something and at the same time pressed against something, so unless you intend on putting the arms beneath and ontop of the breasts I'd suggest rounding them out a bit more and creating a little more space in-between them and other body parts such as the arm. The upper torso (just beneath the breasts and onward) should be raised and moved to the left, as the current position makes any 'curve' seem nonexistant and also makes the (our) right thigh seem to be awkwardly short compared to both her other one and her the rest of her legs in general.
Something a bit closer to this, though not neccesarily having to conform to the waist and breast sizes I've implemented.

Though pushing her a little further back wouldn't neccesarily be a bad thing.
Personally, I'd also add a bit more curvature to the limbs and legs to help accentuate her body; that is to say slimming down things like ankles and wrists slightly.