Sorry for texture edit now that you've gone on to start animating, but I felt I should urge you to push the finish a lot more. First of all, your colors are nice, but your value set is not. I think the lower end needs to be darker, and the brighter end spread out more so that the top yellow doesn't merge with the white. It may be an issue of monitor calibration also, to some extent.
Then, the bulbous lighting blots, I am not a huge fan, they look like cancer a bit? I would suggest very very subtle breakup of the shapes with dither and styledither.
A lot of what I do in the edit is obtuse but not purposefully so. I look at it and try to think how I can maximise the capacity of every pixel, how I can make it give more information to the player. So in lack of a pure black that would segment more fully the various shapes so they don't mesh, I used an artificial sharpening effect! Look where the left (ours) arm meets the face, see how I made the contour hugged by a brighter edge? This helps the eye not think the face and hand are the same thing. There's a lot of pixel-level optimization which actually might not be wholy useful to you because firstly it's down to what rendering style you personally enjoy and secondly because I can't really... explain, why I think it's better to do it this way. At the end you can look at it and take from it what you wish. My main piece of advice is to care about the finish more. Your shapes and volumes are sound, the nutritional value, as it were, is there but the character is sometimes in the topping.