It's been a
while since I posted art for my sidescrolling game, Resonance: story for Resonance starts when a deadly electrical explosion occurs, from a big communications tower in the center. This explosion sweeps the entire village to shreds and keeps expanding. The player gets caught in this explosion and torn to shreds.
However, he is given a second chance, revived as a magical, resonant being. He doesn't know what the explosion was about, nor does he know if there are any other survivors. He suddenly realizes that he can have special powers bound to him by electrical communications beacons and starts to use this for his own survival.
But there are other survivors, resonant Electrofiends, brainwashed into thinking they're the next phase in evolution on the human race, and they're bent on destroying normal humans and all other living things who don't cooperate (including you!).
Then the player is constantly exploring and trying to survive assaults from the both the human front (who employ jammers and other tech) and Electrofiend front (who have their own beacon types that only they can access (until later) which give them boosts similar to you).
I've barely done anything in a year, artwise. I was sort of hoping on finding a pixel artist at some point, so I could spend more time on my game. But since that doesn't seem to be happening, I'll stop letting these pieces rot on my drive, and ask for some critique!
Anyway, I suck at drawing art quickly, so right now, I only have a few pieces!
My grass tiles, should look slightly similar to that thread from a year ago, except I think that they're slightly better done now.
The hero, oldest to newest. (Last updated on May 21, 2009):
WALK (latest May 26, 2009):
a beacon. I need to make several variations on this later so the game doesn't look so bland.
And here are some screenshots from the current engine build (there are tile errors, yeah):
Your comments, critique and edits, please!