You are the proverbial man.
And I still haven't finished my christmas present. I feel like I'm denying someone his birthday, I'm the saltscum of the earth. I know.
I ask that Panda keep me safely banned until you've recieved your gift.
That's all. I'm working on it.
Panda, you're welcome to use my phrasing when you humiliate my remains pubicly. Something like this:
Jad is the worst procrastinator on the face of this planet. Hiding behind gleeful blobs of orange, his true self is simply that of a liar and slowpoke.
If you're not able to take your time for this kind of activity for TWO MONTHS of time, you're just plain stupid. Which is what Jad is.
I'm kind of kidding but then again I'm not. Anyways, see you later guys, I'll be back when I reincarnate from drowning in this pool of shame. All love to you huzba ; _ ;