BAD STUFF:1 - you posted a .jpeg yet again
2 - you are working on an enormous piece yet again
3 - you have chosen not to display any perspective whatsoever...yet again
4 - you have colored it basically like a coloring book (yet again)
ADVICE:1 - do not post .jpegs they are useless and dumb
2 - WORK SMALLER. please. pretty please? the benefits are multitudinous:
- first and foremost, it is faster and easier to experiment because you are pushing fewer pixels
- you can concentrate on basic pixeling techniques rather than just filling all that real estate
- you must relly more on light instead of outlines to describe your shapes, as outlines will get too thick at smaller sizes
3 - choose a more exciting angle for your piece. Can you imagine watching a movie about airplanes where they only showed them from above like this? BOOORING.
4 - Something that works great for me, and has worked for other people too, is to
start your piece not with detailed lineart and the paint bucket tool, but with a palette of maybe 3-4 grays, and the paintbrush. and instead of drawing a schematic and filling it in, you paint the light hitting your forms. and that's it. no colors, no details yet, just the major forms. when your picture is readable and exciting with just like 4 shades of gray, then the likelihood of it looking good and exciting when its colored is much, much, much, much higher.