WE create the confusion because we're making shit up as we go along, which is fine, but you know... take the good with the bad. We're inventing the methodology of an art form every day in here.
All AA for me has subpixel aspirations. You intend to convey a smoothness that isn't there, that isn't allowed by the steps in the resolution. That's exactly what subpixel techniques in non pixel-art contexts attempt, though their methodology might be different (as in dealing with the composite parts of the monitor operation).
I am not sure what you mean when you say whole-pixel aa. Everything in your presentation screen is whole-pixel. The effect is an effect, there are no actual divisions of the pixels in what you shown, are there? All AA is illusionary in trying to convey subpixel smoothness.
Now, why is this term useful and why not just use AA for everything? Because telling someone to use subpixel animation is a different thing than telling him 'smooth your shit out, man'. It's telling him to do slow movement, basically. Less that a full pixel's worth, try to fake it.