Hey guys! I am a freelance artist looking for a programmer to work on a fun zombie apocalypse survival game! Right now, I'd like to just collaborate towards a small workable demo. If things look promising afterwards, we can talk about future developments for a full game, as I have many ideas for the direction in which it could go. For the demo I'd like to try and implement features like UI, combat, basic inventory system, item/weapon collection, base building, and recourse collecting/crafting. Procedural generation and co op play are also features I'd love to add eventually, but those are fairly complex systems and are not required for a demo. This is also a side project for now, so I'd like to keep it relaxed as far as time constraints and deadlines. Basically there are none
. I have both Gamemaker and Unity, and have experience using both, so if we can develop the demo using one of those programs, that would be best. Below is a mock up I created to show the style for the game. As I am the only artist, I want to keep it very simple, so I can make as many various assets as possible. If this sounds like a fun project to you, let me know! You can also reach me on discord via kenthecaptain#3206. English speaking only, Thanks!
Game is called Bullets and Brains for now, but it's not really important yet.