So, here we are onto the last part of the smiley activity.
The winner entries that made it up to here are:
Junkboy's template
Lawrence's template
Snake's template (the tilted squares)
Now the task here would be to make the remaining smileys to complete the sets. Ideally, it would be neat having someone fixing the templates (the AA on snake's template, or perhaps polish Lawrence's a bit more, etc) before carrying on, but anyway leaving that aside, those participating should try to nail the style of the template they decide to work on as accurate as possible.
If there are multiple submissions for the same expression, only the ones that are more loyal to the original style and have more quality overall, will be included to the final set.
Feel free to contribute for the set you like the most, but they will be added for use only once we get all the smileys needed to qualify it as a complete set (so, uhm 42 or so smileys).
If you decide to make original smileys, (read as: expressions unexistant in the current smiley set) they will only be added if someone makes that same expression for all the other sets.
Ultimately, if anyone decides to make a full set of smileys (regardless of it being based on the winner entries or not, meaning you can make smileys with your own template or templates that were submitted in the first part of this activity) it will be considered for addition.
So if you are up to making one yourself (or with someone else, or whatever) go ahead.
Rules:- These are the expressions you will be working on:

- Your submission must imitate the style of the chosen template as accurate as you can
- Multiple submissions are always welcome
- All designs must be your original work, completely
There will be no due date for this, but as mentioned,
sets will only be added for use once they are complete.
So with all that down, feel free to start pixelling and all.
And have fun.
Disclaimer: By submitting smileys, you are agreeing and allowing Pixelation to use them as we might see appropiate. While we won't use the submissions for economical purposes (e.g. sell it), you shouldn't expect to be given credit whenever your smiley is used.