AuthorTopic: The CC suggestion thread.  (Read 154002 times)

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #60 on: November 24, 2008, 08:45:40 pm
The CC for that game has been prepared a couple of months ago.
We'll probably put it up as soon as the Secret Santa stuff is over.

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #61 on: November 25, 2008, 04:11:22 pm
Yus, the next CC should be January 2009 :)
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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #62 on: December 04, 2008, 03:25:01 pm
YAY! my birthday month. :D
Ahem.... *cough*

I think Super Metroid would be fun. I'm a metroid fanboy for the 2d games. Man, its been awhile. Maybe i should get off my ass and play it on the Wii's Virtual Console. That was fun. The pixel art was impressive too-

Some very nice atmospheric effects even now. Back in its day it was even more awesome.

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #63 on: March 13, 2009, 09:45:26 pm
I suggest superbrothers :

The discussion would of course be less geared toward technique and more toward the aesthetic of the pixel in art (in particular emphasis of the pixel rather than the downplaying of it)

perhaps the challenge would be something that encouraged traditional pixel artists to do things that "break" the pixel, so to speak.

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #64 on: March 14, 2009, 06:29:48 am
I know this is just for suggesting CC ideas, so if this is deleted then... eh, whatever. But there are something like 30 games in the list on the original post now, and I felt I had to say something. If you want to critique or comment on a game, then just start up a thread and do it. I say this because it seems that more often than not, the CCs seem to lack passion and interest and I think this is because they're arriving out of the blue without any sort of momentum to build on. Chances are if someone's curious about Minnish Cap now, then they aren't gonna be so interested in a couple weeks/months when they've moved onto other games. If you want to see a CC on some game, dig up some screenshots and start a convo about the styles, techniques, colour schemes, etc. you liked and things that make you wonder how they did x or y. If people find hte art adn discussion interesting, I'm sure they'll join. If not, well...

It just seems silly to me that people feel like they need permission to talk about video game art. I know that this is NOT what you mods intended and remember it being said on many occasions that people should not hesitate to start their own CCs. But this is how these CC suggestion and Official Commerical Critique threads come across to me and I think others. I also think it's unfair for you mods to have to take on the burden of organising and starting the discussion every time.

Maybe some people will think the above seems hypocritical because I don't try to start any of my own CCs or participate in them all that much, but I'm putting this out there for the people who are feeling passionate about a game now. You shouldn't waste that energy.

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #65 on: May 20, 2009, 05:51:05 pm
crab2selout: Excellent point.  I have to agree.  But I will now disagree with a suggestion of my own!  :crazy:
Lost Vikings for the Sega Genesis, though the PC version might be easier screenshot-wise.

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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #66 on: May 21, 2009, 08:57:49 am
Shrike:  Why?  I think that as for a CC idea Super Metroids is a very hot title -- in the pixel terms it looks neglected in some places and pleads for some extra-touch.

So is Lost Vikings, though I think the pixel layout in there is still pretty neat, so we would be talking technique not remakes here.

Anyway, it'd take someone with a sufficient amount of time to handle this.  Anyone? ;)
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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #67 on: May 21, 2009, 03:11:48 pm
Nostalgia is probably the only reason...  When I was younger, my older brothers (now 17, 24 and 26) found their old sega genesis and played lost vikings again..  I loved it.  Even though it wasn't my generation I found it awesome and I was young.  I love Super Metroid as well, but I played that like a year ago on the virtual console.  So yeah.  good point.   :-[ :-X

I have no time, even in the summer...  I need to start working so I can buy a Intuos4 for myself, and I need a bunch of other stuff as well as fundraising..  And I have a huge summer camp thing.  If I don't spend my entire summer on the computer I won't be able to.


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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #68 on: May 31, 2009, 01:57:10 am
Commercial Critique: Street Rod

Getting a little apart from our main discussion, I'd like to introduce you to the Street Rod series.

There are two games, both written somewhere at the turn of 80s/90s by a group of Polish programmers based in California, namely California Dreams.  Those are set somewhere in the early sixties (Street Rod), and after 1969 (Street Rod 2), therefore the cars they present are mainly old limousines and muscle cars.  In the games, you buy/sell and take care of those rides, take part in street races, and collect more money.  The main challenge is to beat the king of the road, who drive the newest and the most pimped up wheels.

Just while reading through the Helm's Mandy discourse, I got a flashback of the series.  I'm aware some of you have never heard about them, that's why I'm sharing my thoughts here.  They both make use of EGA graphics, considerably detailed for their times.  It's easy to download them and play right away, since they both have the abandoned aplication status, or whatever it is named.

Below, there are some links and reviews, that will help you to get hold of them.

I'd gladly propose a challenge in which you would be asked to either make your own ride in the style of Street Rod, or pimp up the existing one a little bit*, with an animation seen as an additional asset.  I don't however know how would you like this idea.

*By this I mean using the ready-made cars you can find within the game and redoing them entirely, without the direct use of an existing material, of course.  Also, the things we know from some up-to-date street racing games, e.g. Need for Speed: Underground -- such as giving the ride a new set of shining chromed rims, or decals and whatnot.

Either way, I really urge you to try out the games and write how you like it. :)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 02:01:39 am by johnnyspade »
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Re: The CC suggestion thread.

Reply #69 on: September 23, 2009, 05:48:08 pm
Could we have a Commercial Critique on Shantae for the GBC? I'd be interesting in hearing other peoples' thoughts on it, especially since it was released near the end of the handheld's lifespan.