The community didn't choose the skin colors of this forum, or the banner, or the way it's structured. That's why the smileys are a bit more in the hands of the moderators than the userbase.
Did you make a challenge or activity that involved the comunity to create/choose the colours, banners or the way its structured? right...if you ask the participation of the community...then for christ sake take them in account. Like you said, if you ask for input/critique/whatever be prepared to receive it.
This is largely thankless, like most of the modrating duties I and others have been burdening themselves with for oh, the last 4 years or something?
I think everyone; or at least like i said previously,
I acknowledge and apreciate the efforts...but come on, be realistic, what else do you want? a castle or a brand new tablet with a thank you note? You guys got the recognition on the labors you do in the minds of everyone that uses this forum.
So please relax and see where I'm coming from. You're kicking up a lot of dust over smileys of all things. Why does it disturb you that the modration has a stronger voice than the users when it comes to matters of aesthetics? Are you paying the server costs?
How come is it that if i post something, im exaggerating, agravated, histerical or whatever...while you guys could post while having an orgasm and are as calmed as rock.
Im as relaxed as i possibly could be, though... i could prolly smoke up a joint if that made you even happier Helm. This isnt about the little yellow faces man...get over it. It doesnt bother me that the administration gets to pick the aesthetics...but if you asked them, they are doing the work of creating, let them sure you can understand this isnt such a wacky idea.
The forum is used by the users, but it belongs to the administration. As such, the administration may change how it looks when it suits it. That it asks the userbase on input on things does not mean any different. People read the thread and decided to make smileys because they like making things, it was never implied that we'd use more than one set, and which set would be mostly up to the administration. In the end, only one set will be used (this time around, and that's a 'probably' there) so even if the userbase chose it, the rest of the hard work by the other people wouldn't be met with inclusion. But is it wasted work? It never is when one practises and becomes better.
How is it that you are missing the point so much... If your "job" is to create and manage the aesthetics of Pixelation (like you guys have with the banner, colours, etc), and you are forwarding that "job" to the users...then let them finish their job, you asked for input, receive it, that it... i ALSO from the start said, i wasnt saying DO this DO that, im saying what i think should be done, why are you attacking a simple opinion?.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't dictate the 'spirit of pixelation' to me, because it becomes rapidly insulting. You're not trying to understand the other point of view, you're just lashing out. Please calm down and try to consider alternate points of view on the subject. I've been here a long time and I'm not perverting the spirit of pixelation, I'm working quite hard, for nothing, to perserve it. So respect more, shout less.
Dictate? Jesus, im paraphrasing you! practically quoting what you said... and if thats insulting to you, i can clearly see how a little word as "F*ck" shakes you up, so i wont bring up any other "bad" words.
Dont pull the "consider other points of view" (while of course im doing though) when you guys are telling us that basically "its your forum" and that "you couldnt care less" about what we do or dont do.
How, by lip service and then striking out the first second you seem to percieve a problem in your two days being around after a many years' worth of absence? This isn't very fair, not to mention calm and rational of you.
I dont know what lip service mean... but, i think that you are not striking against anyone, read my first post again, i merely expressed my opinion in a respectful manner... About my abscence you cant blame me (hahah actually you can), but i just wasnt around, im here now though, with good intentions and trying to do good.
Which position? That the forum will not look as the userbase wants it to look, but ultimately as the administration wants to? Yes on that one. That is my position.
Take the position of "I AM THE LAW", give the community the place it deserves...saying to the community
"this is our forum and we do as we please" i think is not the right message to send.
Yes, please stop swearing, you can make your points clearly enough without.
Yeah, i know i can, i do that for a living, i just didnt realize you had the tolerance of a 5 year old catholic girl, in the way that a little F* word every 100 would impact you.
About killing Pixelation... hum all this internet drama about smileys will kill a community that has been around for years and years? In fact the forum has been the strongest it has ever been in many years right now, and I take a lot of pride personally for keeping the place as straight as I can and focused on artistic betterment. Some people might not agree with how things go, but a lot of people benefit and will continue to benefit. Smileys or no smileys. As long as people want to learn and want to help others with pixel art, Pixelation will be around.
Come on Helm...theres no need to ridiculize the situation...its not about the smileys themselves.
Also, on the old pixelation we did not even have smilies to begin with 
Instant win of the argument, ill shut up now Ptoinger.
