id download another gif animation program to get that to loop if you want any help. Make it easy for us to help you. I cant even see that image in graphis gale, because the program you used odes something to the colour table that GG doesn't understand and won't open the image.
I don't know why a mod hasn't moved it, but this should be over in the critique section of the board. I think you should take the opportunity right now to work on the readability of your image. MY best guess is you've got a mech. Even with that I can't figure out what the rectangles above the feet are supposed to be. Arms? weapons? knees? legs? I guess the thing in the middle is supposed to be the cockpit then. I'd like to see the hit area you intend to use for this. So I can see what kind of area you have to play with the edsign.
I'm sending an email ot a mod to get this moveed, as I'd like to see some tips and answers on this myself. I'm working on some top-down animations, and its a challenge trying to suggest movement and form from that perspective.
Here's a test I'm working on. I don't know how much help it can be(get your image working and I'll tkae a look at it), but it think its an important step towards figuring out effective motion. One thing I'm starting to learn is to limit the upper range on colour values as you go further down the y height of the sprite. This way arms get separated from the head, and feet will be separated from arms. For your animation, you could increase the size of the circle thing moving forward to show that they are moving up and down along the y/hieght level. That's relevant only if I got the mech guess right.