Ah.. ok, I think I see what you are on about Miascugh, taking a surface and distorting/skewing it fit on an isometric plane. Maybe my tutorial wasnt quite clear about the intention of that bit, but it came into the tutorial as there had been a discussion on Pixelation about skewing a 2d (platform view) surface to make an isometric one.. then flipping it horizontally for the other wall. I was simply trying to point out a difference in the sizes demonstrating the reduction in width of the surface if it were to be translated to the iso surface. In this case, the arc is a shallow ellipse, where the vertical radius is 1 and the horizontal, 2. You are rotating within Iso, not rotating in 3d to apply to iso. This is simply because of the aforementioned discussion about quickly painting textures on iso walls etc
If you were skewing a surface to fit into an isometric world, you would have to scale the height of the surface as well as the width and yes, the math would be quite different, although you could still do it in two stages. First skewing the height, and then following the bit I gave for the width.
As for the the 'grid in B' differing from the cube in B - ah.. I see what you mean. (I think) On the cubes, the top face's highlight is 1px too high compared to the grid type constructions following.
Reasons? well.. I tend to only offset that highlight if I'm actually using a tile engine or grid. If its just an object/item in iso, I would probably use the cube style. However, as soon as you start tiling or using a grid, you need to offset that line.
I do really need to do a part two to that tutorial at some point soon, elaborating on some areas a bit.
Type C is very similar to type B, but the main criticism I have to that is the lower edge of each tile. Being a flat 4 across, it means that corners all appear much rounder. Wonder if there's a decent option D
PixelBlink: have been, and still am, out in China. Yeah MIA for quite a while. Taken me quite a while to find where everyone moved to, and seems like all the good ol' faces and 'lasts from the past's (greetings Blu_monkee) have found there way here.