yeah that's me. I still make AGS games. The AGS community is probably the nicest and most jerk-free community of those revolving around game-making engines. It's my original home on the internets.
I was poking around their forums and yeah they, seem like a nice group of people. I've heard its hard to make
cutscenes with AGS without being a good scripter, is this true? Is there anyway to import a cutscene "animation" that
just plays instead of being scripted using the game sprites? I'd love to make a game in my spare time but I'm afraid I'm terrible at scripting and programming.
To Crab:
5 days a stranger actually freaked me out somewhat, the person tells the story very well.
Make sure you try "No action Jackson" as well, its very good.
Many people have expressed their interest to the KQIX group
that they would be interested if they did their own game. So hopefully they do.