AuthorTopic: Pixelator: RESULTS (round 1)  (Read 315007 times)

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #70 on: January 23, 2007, 10:13:01 pm
i don't like how vague and open the challenge is. It should have been something very specific.
I think what's important in the theme is for it to imply a situation...think Last Man Standing1's round 2, it was man vs female but it turned out awesome...remember Flaber?

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #71 on: January 23, 2007, 10:20:29 pm
Is it okay btw, to post it AFTER you've sent it?

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #72 on: January 23, 2007, 10:21:00 pm
goodnightdestroyer: i think the challenges will get more strict as the rounds proceed.

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #73 on: January 23, 2007, 10:27:26 pm
Is it okay btw, to post it AFTER you've sent it?

Hmm maybe that could ruin the originality, if the first we see of everone's is at the end of the round it wlll be much more exciting. Though I don't know.

Goodluck everyone :)

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #74 on: January 23, 2007, 10:32:02 pm
Goodluck all!

I agree that the pics should be left and revealed after cut off!

Offline Opacus

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #75 on: January 23, 2007, 10:36:59 pm
Good point....but 2 weeks is soooo long for such a small challenge...

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #76 on: January 23, 2007, 11:46:51 pm
Quote from: ZoSo
Just one question, can you submit more pieces of the same monster? Like.. maybe in different views and stuff? And yea backrounds for the piece is allowed right?..

And 100x100, kinda small
Backgrounds are allowed. The main focus though should be the monster.
As I explained to Xion earlier:
Quote from: Xion Night
Hey, question:
If we submit our entry early will we be able to send in an update or even a completely different piece to replace the originally submitted? Or will the first submission have to be the completely final version.
Quote from: flaber
For this challenge im going to say no. You have 2 weeks to work on your entry. If you arnt quite happy enough with it, dont submit it as early. In a duel you only get one chance to beat your opponent, you cant have multiple attempts, or retry a move. So similar to that, what you submit is what will be placed against the opposing person. You have one chance / opportunity to beat them, so you should make sure you are pleased with it when you submit. 2weeks should be long enough to ensure this.

Quote from: ZoSo
Yea.. well another question. Does it have to be a sprite .. or can i be a picture? If you know how i mean.
It can be a picture, sprite, image, portrait, full body. The theme is monster. How you take that is upto you (with respects to the restrictions).

Quote from: Joshua
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused about the rules. Can I still be a Challenger? Also, is feb 5th the deadline for which you have to have the sprite completed?
Sorry, this activity is already full. I had a signup alittle while ago for those who wanted to participate. There will be more of these, so perhaps you can make it into the next challenge.

Quote from: Stwelin
Here's an example: you can draw a pheonix, and that would be fine, because a pheonix is not a trademark monster of any specific company or anything like that. the monster is based on mythology and has many takes. you CAN'T, however, draw something like a chocobo, that would be ripping off Final Fantasy.

Makes sense?
Thanks Stwelin. Thats what I was hopeing to get across. You can create an orc, but dont model them after the ones in Lord of the Rings. Or you can create a demon pig, but dont model it after ganon from Zelda.

Quote from: Scotteh

I really wanted to compete in this competition, but I am really caught in school work so if they let you, joshua can take my place
Seeing now, how this has come up, I would really hate to have an empty position on the first round. Robotriot expressed an interest first, so I will give it to him if he is still interested. If you do not respond within 1day, then joshua may take the position. If anyone is unable to continue, please let me know so that others may fill your position

Quote from: Opacus
Is it okay btw, to post it AFTER you've sent it?
Wait until the round has finished. I will post all the images and duels at the end. As soon as its posted here, then your free to post it wherever and show it to whomever.

About the size - 100x100, and the time - 2weeks, please stop complaining. For the first round I wanted to ensure that everyone would be able to have an equal chance and be able to have a submission. If there was no size limit some people are able to create huge finished images, while others have more difficulty creating something big. Big has a huge advantage over small, and some people just arnt capable enough or quick enough to pull together a good 500x500. By capping it at 100x100 this meant that there would be no advantages. Just because you cant pixel largescale does not mean that the pixeler is bad. Then the 2weeks is to ensure that everyone - all 32 people, are able to find the time to make an entry. I know for alot of the students around where I live exams are happening, Or people at work may have a big project. Within a 2 week period everyone should be able to find the time. So just because your done early doesnt mean you should complain about the time. Perhaps more time could have been spent on it? different ideas and designs thought up, instead of the first thing that came to mind. Utilize the time.
But mostly, the small size and the 2weeks is so that there is an entry for every challenge. I would hate to see someone drop out first thing and give an automatic win to someone.

As the challenges progress they will get harder and more specific. Sometimes working under stricter conditions is easier, sometimes its harder because you must follow exactly what is asked without any interpretation of flare. But as a challenger, you should be able to cope with different expectations, whether precise or open.

Offline GOODNIGHTdestroyer

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #77 on: January 24, 2007, 03:45:19 am
I asked before Robotriot. :(

Re: Pixelator: FULL
« Reply #124 on: January 21, 2007, 03:20:53 AM »   

If someone can't participate i want to take their spot.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 03:47:12 am by GOODNIGHTdestroyer »
And I am finally seeing that you were the one worth eating.

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #78 on: January 24, 2007, 05:20:33 am
oh, my bad.
would you like to participate?

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Re: Pixelator: Challenge 1

Reply #79 on: January 24, 2007, 05:24:47 am
Since you already got Robotriot's hopes up, I say we give them both 24 hours to fight to the death to secure the spot, by having them pixel something awesome like with a 50x50 restriction...that or rock, paper scissors, through PM of course!(they both send in their decisions to flaber, and only flaber sees the results, thus declaring whether or not rock crushes scissors, paper covers rock, or scissors cuts paper...) Thats if they both want it bad enough.
my back hurts...