PypeBros, what happened to that 32x32 version you posted about on GBAtemp? How safe to use is the beta?
latest beta is fairly safe to use. I mean, it won't trash files on your media card or kill your console. It saves and reloads your job, etc. It may lack a couple of easy features such as an "undo" button or a save menu ...
If you need support for installing/using it, feel free to bug me on MSN (
You shouldn't rely on versions posted on GBAtemp anymore (they're *really* old) but the current beta do support 32x32 and this is actually the default mode. What it still lacks is a convenient way to select new colors. I'd like to embed Arne's palette and the NES palette in the ersion 0.3.2 (which i hope to reach by the end of the month), but if you guys can give me hints on how you typically select / build colors for your artwork, it would definitively help me coming with some user-friendly GUI for that part, as it's something i still suck at.
I would be really interested in collaborating. I may be posting here some of the concepts that I once made.
I'm open to collaboration, even if it's just brainstorming on how xyz could be preferrably be done, or writing user-friendly tutorials. The most reason why there is "beta" sticked is that i expect the interface to be confusing at first time, since it's meant to be fast to use once you're fluent with the controls.