I think the main problem is that her legs aren't as foreshortened as her torso, so she appears to be leaning forward a bit, but her feet are in front of her centre of weight, so she looks off-balance.
Since her torso is foreshortened, we should see her butt higher, since it's behind her.
Her right (viewer's left) arm looks rather separated from her torso.
From above, the shoulders don't appear to slope like they do from the front, since we're seeing the tops of them, which slope into the back.
I tried to do a sketch-over, but I don't think a did a good job.

With foreshortening, I feel it's really important to start with some construction, and build up the pose on top of that, rather than the reverse as I tried to do. Figure out where feet, head, and pelvis/butt are in relation to each other, that basically sets up the rest of your pose. Then, connect them.