Made a little bit of progress with the walk cycle.

Thanks for the tip. It was helpful.

@Free Refills
I agree with the jumping being a bit off. I'm a bit apprehensive to have any animations going into the jump would slow down the movement if you were playing as him, but I think if the animation is fast enough it won't interfere too much. Also, it might be nice to have a cue when you're fighting him that he is about to jump.
I'm most likely going to have a little screen shake/dust on the landing to give it a little more impact.
I put him in the game to see how the animations looked when he is moving around. There are still plenty of things to tweak, but I don't feel like anything is too jarring right now. But yeah, if you see anything that feels off... Please, chime in!

Opps, I left the cursor in.
Going to work more on some of the uncolored sprites.