Tried my hand at an edit. I feel like more than it just being very bright, it's that everything is so saturated, even the shadows so the attention is being drawn everywhere on each individual asset, feels like it's lacking a certain contrast of saturation. I think you should maybe de-saturated the shadows. Also maybe darken the buildings, they feel too bright to be stone, or at least they don't stick out very well from the grass since they share similar values imo.
Like washk said, everything I've seen you do usually is very bright -which I love! But I do think for this it's just a overall lack of contrast with how the saturation is
I suppose low contrast shadows do seem to be something that differs from your style, maybe try fooling around with high saturated shadows, lower the sat on the midtones and keep high saturated highlights for the foliage?
Another way to solve your problem without changing the saturation to drastically is to maybe just push the shadows more on the assets? I noticed that for especially the buildings, they have the same amount of light striking both the front and top, same sort of goes for the trees -sort of drowns them out when the light is hitting them like that.