Hello, I was poking around on the internet and came across this thread.
I just wanted to take a moment to express how pleased and even amazed I am to see a lot of these images.
I am currently building a Castlevania-inspired game within the exact NES limitations, and if I had the money for it, I would be offering to hire a lot of you folks. This art is great!
I just want to say, some of my favorites:
By Phoenix849:
This gives me a lot of inspiration for some of the designs I'm making in my game. I love how rustic and rich the castle looks! Although I do think it ought to have a few more tiles at the top so that it looks like it goes past the top of the screen.
This is really great! I love how dark it appears, but you still have given plenty of definition to the tiles the player can collide with. The hanging greenery adds a nice touch. I love how the second platform has a slightly different pattern than the first, giving that much more personality.
By wolfenoctis:
It overall looks a *little* more cartoony than the Castlevania series ought to, but the colors are fantastic! I love how that whole wall looks so grey but gets those blue highlights!
This sepia look is visually stunning! The only real problem with it is, how do you follow that up? I just don't see how you could keep the rest of the game follow that theme without going overboard on the sepia tones, which would ultimately dry out and look bland. But as a stand-alone piece of art, it is simply incredible.
By 7Soul:
This one honestly stunned me. That sunset just popped right out and looked amazing! And the colors for the rest of the scene contrast so well with it, too. The green block look a bit off, though. I think it is great how they are clearly different from the rest of the scene so that the player doesn't have to guess about what is ground and what is not, but you might consider experimenting with a different shade or two. Possibly a deeper green, possibly a less-yellow highlight. Also the bulbous shape doesn't really suit the setting, (It should be hewn stone, not natural rock,) and adding in a variant of the tile every few blocks would really sell it. But the whole rest of that scene is fantastic!
I love everything about this one! I love that grey part of the background, I love the look of the blocks, I love how some of the blocks have a colored top on them, I love the broken stones and the broken pillar, and I really love how those stairs stand out more than they did in the original!
Great job, people! I'm impressed!