Such a great project. I look forward to see it all come together.
About scientific and emotional explanation: It's a bit blurry. Whenever we systemize something, to understand and explain it, make it methodical, we are unwittingly having one foot back in the scientific aspect. For example, to understand the human behaviour, one can look at the neurological and chemical setup, but also study the situational behaviour, and cultural/sociological/historical elements. From biochemistry to psychology to anthropology, it's all science, generating knowledge, with a different emphasis in research. So the moment we try connect emotion with colour in a chart, we are theorizing emotion, to make it usable for artwork. There is even a science to "fun". It sort of plays into Game Theory, and is important for game designers to realize, that a player experience can be planned better than by gut feel or happenstance.
Not really important or new to you, but I felt like talking a lil' about that, it's been on my mind.
I agree with the greater relevance of psychological colour than physical property description for art.