Oh hey, good stuff.
Maybe mention Lego, it's suitable for doing pixel art, pretty sure some people did, and it's kinda between mosaic and Minecraft, and another example for a physical incarnation of pixel art even in modernity, as well as gamified pixel art.
Hrrm, also, this might be a stretch but... hrrm... Rubik's Cube left a lasting impression in the world, as pixel puzzle.
And more practical, you might wanna mention printers, along screens, they work pretty much the same, point for point.
They too demonstrate the modern need for the pixel principle in even physical form.
I'm not sure about some of the other modern physical gimmicks are noteworthy yet, what's with that Perler Bead and stuff, hrrm.
Could also mention the first popular 3d games that used pixel art in form of sprites and texture.
It's kinda difficult to differentiate, between who is worth mentioning as being the first, and who is the one with the biggest cultural impact in popularity, though. Aside from those first 3d games, Minecraft for example didn't invent its principle, but it should be on the list all the same as it was by far the most successful. There was Infiniminer before it, that inspired it, but I wouldn't even say Infiniminer was the first either. Hrrrm. But those two were maybe the first to connect that block principle to pixel art directly.