>>> BVT_v01l -- March 6, 2016 <<<
Increased cube limit from 600k to 900k
Fixed Line tool (holding Ctrl key).
While the Line tool worked fine on Ubuntu Wine,
for actual Windows users it disappeared after
about one second upon still holding the Ctrl key.
The Line tool now stays active as long as you hold the Ctrl key.
Fixed block colour palette Marking (Ctrl+Enter)and Deactivation(Ctrl+Backspace) for Win10 users.
Added Copy&Paste, for a first take on tiling.
This transforms the workflow of Blackbox into Pattern Orientation.
Whenever you have selected more than one cube,
the Pick tool marks that for Copy&Paste, instead of colour.
Remember, you Pick either by pressing key "r",
or by default Right Click Mouse in Paint Mode (key "2").
Be sure to give this new feature a lot of attention.
Experiment with patterns of beauty, construct fractals.
This feature is very powerful, remember the second half of
the Natural Selection video for some examples on usage.
Always look out for picking reusable patterns in micro or macro,
similar to how you would pick colour.
As you should expect, you can easily resize the copy upon paste
simply by changing selection size with mousewheel.
There are various uses for that:
-- prepare your tileset at a comfortable work size,
and then miniaturize it upon actual use,
to fully leverage world scale.
-- hide your tileset as "micro film" within world.
-- fractal construct mass and shape very quickly.
This current copy is a straight location copy, instead of instanced.
That's probably going to change later, but in the meantime this enables
some interesting fractal tricks, like "infinite mirror"-esque effects.
It happens when you try to paste within the area you picked for copy.
Hard copy is very expensive, both in processing and memory usage.
This will be circumvented when referenced soft copy from tile palette comes later.
When a tile has holes through which you can see other tiles behind,
this may be problematic to paint with, since it may shoot-through.
Until this is fixed, remember that you have alternate Selection modes.
Use key "g" to toggle default Smart Select. Turning it off can avoid the problem.
Rotation and flipping still missing. Comes later.
>>> BVT_v01m -- March 7, 2016 <<<
Non-public dummy version.
>>> BVT_v01n -- March 8, 2016 <<<
Improved performance of operations on model for mass modification.
(Deleting or copying large numbers of cubes should be noticably faster)
Fixed crash in extremely complex scenes.
(too many unique vertices tracked; connected
cubes/triangles in Blackbox can share their vertices,
for reduced memory and coherent mesh deformation.)
>>> BVT_v01o -- March 30, 2016 <<<
Fixed performance breakdown after picking a Tile with large amount of cubes.
Fixed recurring issue with the new Pick while in capslock.
Fixed crash on close.
Reduced aggressiveness of Input Interpolation upon drawing.
Added marker graphic on picked tile.
whenever your current selection leaves
the area you Picked, a marker shows
the location you will copy&paste.
Added Rotation.
Copy&Paste now auto-rotates tile.
This depends on:
The side you were picking the tile at,
and the side you are pasting to.
This is useful for both,
intuitively painting tiles on different walls,
and rotating a tile on the same spot.
Holding key Shift while Picking a tile,
deactivates auto-rotation for that tile upon paste.
The sides of picking and pasting then don't matter.
This feature plays to an advantage in workflow of 3d.
You can reduce the minimum amount of tiles required for a full set,
and greatly enhance visual variety at little to no extra work.
Further takes advantage in fractal mass construction methods.
More manual rotation and flipping come later.
>>> BVT_v01p -- April 1, 2016 <<<
Fixed crash when trying to copy&paste in some odd situations.
Fixed various problems when changing side of same selection.
Adjusted behaviour of the visual Marker for tiles.
Added manual rotation and Flipping:
When holding key Alt, the movement keys w, a, s, d, q, e
flip and rotate the currently selected side of cube or tile.
ALT + q, e: counter-clockwise and clockwise side rotation.
ALT + w, a, s, d: Flipping of side, up, left, down, right.
Use this to further adjust the normal auto-rotation of pasting.
>>> BVT_v01q -- April 22, 2016 <<<
Fixed all keys for all platforms, a possible crash and some minor issues.
Blackbox should perform the same on all platforms now.
Increased max number of cubes from 900k to 950k.
Decreased minimum movement speed,
alongside other adjustments to cam,
slightly more convenient for details.
>>> BVT_v01r -- April 24, 2016 <<<
Fixed an issue in which mouse buttons in free mouse mode
would only execute function when holding button and moving mouse.
Added improved line tool preview,
with actual wireframe cubes lined instead of just a simple line;
only reverts back to simple line if line is very long with too many cubes.
Increased max number of cubes from 950 thousand to 2 million.
>>> BVT_v01s -- April 28, 2016 <<<
Fixed total performance breakdown on colour changes in massive scenes.
Scene updates after you're done changing colours with slider movement.
Increased max number of cubes from 2 million to 2.4 million.
Note: Blackbox is currently on greedy settings for tests.
Gaming-grade machine required, with recent drivers,
and no other expensive programs running for resources.
If these conditions are not met, you see no starting cube.
Restarting Blackbox or your computer may help clear it out,
otherwise upgrade your graphics card, with 2gb vram recommended.