Yep, Ai mentioned it :p nice iniciative tho

EDIT: unless you werent linking to ....your link is actually 404ing for me
Howard I shaded over your gal a bit and I'm uploading it in an edit

yep, me no likey AA :p I figured whatever I could say I might find out I dont actually think if I drew over her, so I just drew over her in case it's useful :p
here's an anim with a bunch of refferences and a rough view of my process too.

references are:
Vice from King of Fighters
Red Arremer Midnight Bliss from Snk vs Capcom
some pervy Mai move from King of Fighters
monster From Shin Megami Tensei 2
another monster From Shin Megami Tensei 2
a shield summon from Castlevania: Symphony of The Night.
"Miko" from Tengai AKA Sengoku Blade
I notice the sprites are about King of Fighters size, so I looked around for different ways of doing eyes, that's what the refferences are about. I did the KOF thing where it's a black pixel next to a white pixel, but that sounds really hard to do right in 3D, one black pixel should be alright. I also have in the process file a test with no face features, kinda going for a Flashbback thing...that looked interesting as well.
Very interesting seeing the Shadow Bias vertex map thing. thanks Howard =) cant wait what else you've been up to