*sigh* I have an interest in this discussion, and if possible, I'd like it to somehow stay productive and informative.
Piotr is very young and new here. He did try and prepare himself for this though. Now he stumbled a bit. Maybe we can figure a way to keep it cool.
He seems to be looking for a straightforward solution and definite answer. The people that have posted here have a lot of experience with thinking colour spaces and palettes, technically and artistically. And DawnBringer has created general purpose palettes that are useful and popular. This includes a 256c palette. In his method of crafting them there are a lot of considerations. But even he knows there is just so much you can account for. In the end it's particular requirements and taste that dictate what's best. Maybe, if anything, it's a certain set of (sub?)palettes that's "best", together designed to cover a range of specific common applications, at least. Or we can take into account how conveniently the palette can be customized and extended. Can there be a versatile palette "seed" as system palette?