@Tijjer: every opinion is woth to read. Even if I don't consider the critique it's nice to get a different perspective on things and consider it at least.
I am happy with the size of the eyes, the first one has by far to big eyes imo.
@night: the rear arm isn't anatomically "wrong", but if you place it like you did it in your pose (act in!) it will unpleasently affect your field of vision.
The front arm was broken.
The positioning of the clavicle line affected by arms movements is definitely one of the hardest things, which needs more studies on my side.
I don't have a good answer for that yet, so I will look into that in further studies.
Changed a few more things:-edited the lips (bigger) and the size of the nose (smaller) and the ear
-edited the position of the glasses + changed the hairs one more time (happy with the bangs now)
-added more foreshortening to the front arm + moved the shoulder a bit up
-changed the rotation of the rear arm
-to keep the flow weighting intact (slighter front arm curve) I also could change the convex shape of the skirt, which looks a lot better now and strengthens the flow (also edited the other hip slightly - @decroded).
-few pixels polished

practically I am now pretty happy - also with the character.
left one looks very shy and lovely
middle one looks now very confident, sassy and self-confident (which is what I looked for)
right one looks very arrogant and untouchable
pretty interesting observation on the characters, especially considering that it took multiple tries to get out the core of what makes her character in a visual way.
here is a gesture chart:
I brought everything down to the basics:
consider the main gesture line (green) which whirls down in a helix over the complete character
and the flow-bounce line (orange) which visually leads the eye downwardy