Hello Pixelators!
It's a new year.
And near the top of my list was:
Add new activities consistantly to Pixelation.
So why not start it off on the 1st day?
Five Line Story Activity !Rules- Choose one of the stories given below
- Create the visuals for each line of the story!
- Include ALL of the text
- Be creative!
- Post your amazing interpretation
Story 1
It's been a long time...
What have you been up to?
Some of this and that...
Well... should we get started then?
Let's do it!Story 2
That's weird...
I don't see anythi-
*drip* *drip*Story 3
Oh yes!
Soooo goood...
... whatever
TipsA story board or comic strip layout is a good place to start, but is not required.
The number of characters, location, and context are not defined.
Stretch the meaning of the story.
I would give visual examples, but I want part of the fun to be figuring it out.
Have fun!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 02:43:24 am by PixelPiledriver »
And knowing that it is, we seek what it is... ~ Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, Chapter 1