He actually looks a bit tiptoed now.
Threw together a quick edit.
A1 Note the circle sizes to show how top heavy and the direction of the lean.
A2 Right track-> More linear and the circles are more balanced.
A3 Circles are nearly same size and if I drew the other circle on leg it would be balanced between two. Nose countered-balanced with tail.
B1 Line shows the lean. I didn't show the extra line for face length because this is enough to show the lean.
B2 This guy actually looks a little MORE unbalanced because his tail is so high up. It throws his weight more forward at his hips and makes him look tiptoed.
B3 Lines are much more balanced upward and the tail counters back heavily to keep him squared upright.
On my edit I showed thicker legs. Meatier toes and I used your
number 2 tail and just dropped it down lower and angled it back.
Your going kind of lean on this guy and he is pretty thick. Look at the size of the references' hands and feet, too. MEATY.
This is a fun perspective for him. Hope this helps you some.