AuthorTopic: GR#190 - Pacific Grove - Pixel Artwork Scenery  (Read 32811 times)

Offline slym

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GR#190 - Pacific Grove - Pixel Artwork Scenery

on: January 05, 2014, 02:24:09 am

This image is of course highly WIP. I'm looking for composition critiques more than texture. Of course any critique is welcome  :)

Offline tehwexxl0rz

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 06:24:32 am
DUDE. Your foliage just keeps getting better. <3

The composition is a bit unbalanced... Tree on the right, empty on the left, and the slope of the mountain draws the eye toward the center-ish.

But yeah, awesome textures. Looking forward to see it progress! :)

Offline wolfenoctis

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 06:48:46 am
I agree with tehwexxl0rz, there is too much visual weight on the right hand side, made an edit to illustrate:

Also made the trees smaller because I felt it still affected the weight too much

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #3 on: January 05, 2014, 10:41:06 am
The composition is a bit unbalanced... Tree on the right, empty on the left, and the slope of the mountain draws the eye toward the center-ish.

It somewhat make sense for a shore picture, no ? I mean, there's little the ocean might show but boats. Possibly, the clouds could be shifted so that they're over the ocean.

To some extent, I get the feeling that those trees have no room for their giant roots. If the ocean has washed the rest of the ground up to the point it comes to contact to such trees, we should see roots going through the ground here and there, imho.

Offline Kosvid

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 11:34:50 am
The picture is great. I want to stress that I like the original version more than wolfenotics` one, so I think you don`t have to change the whole composition but still have to work with the balance. Add something to the left side. A part of beach with sand, or, may be, rocks with crabs and seagulls (corals won`t fit (suit?)), or at least just sea foam and waves, I don`t know.

If you don`t mind "spoiling" the clear sky, you can add a volcano with a big smoke cloud. It will create some contrast to the bright colors.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 11:38:54 am by Agent00X »

Offline Beetleking22

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #5 on: January 05, 2014, 05:45:07 pm
Tree foliage is great.. but I think it has too much lightining.. You should reduce it little bit.

Offline cauli

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #6 on: January 05, 2014, 06:21:23 pm
Nice work! I agree you need some weight on the left side.

Here's one suggestion on that.

You could even be subtler by just moving the clouds to top left and the trees a little bit to the center.

Offline slym

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #7 on: January 07, 2014, 05:20:40 am
Woah! I cannot say enough thanks to all of the incredible comments and critique thank you all so much, it really means a lot to me  ::)

I really loved just about everything everyone said so I tried to combine them all into what I have now. Now I'm curious about perspective and what I can add visually to the new shore area I just added.

Also, a little bit of inspiration for the piece to those who are interested:

The title is actually the name of the first place I lived. I was born in a hospital in Monterrey, California. As a youth I moved quite frequently, 9 times before high school to be exact. Of all the places I've lived, Pacific Grove always had a unique freedom about it. The coolest thing about it to me was that the population, aside from being more elderly, was very adventurous. The shores of the Monterrey bay area have quite a few little divots and somewhat hidden beaches. With this scene I want to be able to depict this free and adventurous, yet mysterious characteristic that the land in this part of California has, and the treasures of nature you can find by parking on the side of a road and walking towards the water.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 05:32:19 am by slym »

Offline Kosvid

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #8 on: January 07, 2014, 09:30:24 am
Wow, I couldn`t even suppose you had lived in such place. Here in Syberia it`s not that colourful, but the nature has its own magnificence.

About the work: now it`s better, but the ocean is still looks like poor because it is empty - just one color. I`m sure you were going to fill it anyway. And the top sky needs something, just like simple clouds, but there are clouds lower. Think of it. May be, a flock of birds will help. Also there is a space in the left down corner where a couple of bright flowers would fit.
I can`t say anything about the perspective, though, yet it hasn`t got enough details. Keep up the work!  :y:

Offline Mathias

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Re: Pacific Grove

Reply #9 on: January 07, 2014, 12:29:15 pm
Born in Santa Barbara, CA. Moved away when I was 11. I've been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

What if you did the looking-out-from-a-thicket thing, where the viewpoint seems to be stationed behind some very near plants crowded around the outsides of the canvas?

The two nearly identical trees on the right bug me. They feel like copies.

Clouds look too solid.

Water seems too green.

Are there waves now? Is this the Pacific? Looks like a lakeside bank, not the edge of an ocean. Dirt, not sand?
If the shore is experiencing that much wave activity, you might try some little caps all over the surface.

Could this little cove be made to look even more private and undiscovered if it had a canopy of tree cover shading it? I can imagine some animals, foxes, squirrels, et, taking refuge in the shade, lazing around.
Some animal life, or even people in sailboats off in the distance, would give this landscape some actual life. Might also offer better focal points.

Too bad the composition is still in flux, you might have to backtrack on some of the polish/detail you've already added.