Reduced size because I feel more comfortable at smaller sizes.
I wonder if the full shadow is dark enough now.
The shading should be OK now as far as I can tell, but somehow it doesn't feel quite right.
Light direction is like the yellow arrow in previous post.
Cast shadow is straight down, though (inconsistent, I know, but they do that in some places).
I am trying to learn how to draw with flat shadows, and concentrate more on the highlights. If you are wondering why, it is because there will be less details cluttering the image. I would like to understand what would be the minimum to define the form.
One of my inspirations is
Therefore I feel reluctant to use some light to define the full shadow parts explicitly, and I hope the brain will fill it in on its own, based on the expectations created by the highlights. That was a bit too big words for such simple purpose, but my English is not good enough to make it sound exactly how I intended.
That said, I would appreciate either advice that could help me become better in this direction, or else I hope you point out how I am mistaken and on an impossible or inferior quest. If someone knows where I could find examples of such thing having been done by other people, would also be helpful (because the only examples I have found myself so far are backgrounds in foggy distance, but they don't have much highlights either).
Gave it a cheekbone, changed the curve on the body highlight to more radical, and adjusted left hand palm a bit:

The highlight on the arm seemed overdone, reduced it and I like the result a bit more now.
Also, put it on dark background to remove some unnecessary details, I hope it still looks like a dragon to other people.
I am still not completely convinced by the palette or the shading, or maybe the anatomy looks unnatural.