Tried to keep similar feel/pose (shouting, arms extended) and
keep a lot of that "old Ryu" feel while adding some new Ryu
features (ripped sleeves, blocky nose).


Was fairly informative, but there are a few bits that I strugged
with - the back arm (particularly the join with the body), front
foot (ankle feels strained at the moment but it felt kinda stupid
facing backwards) and joining the open clothing with the front arm,
the volume in there feels wrong at the moment.
The face took quite a while too, but conversely to the above,
I'm fairly pleased with it.
Gonna take a break, may come back to it after dinner, may not.
I quite like Arne's edit (the heels were exactly what I was thinking
the whole time)
Fun thread, either way.
Edit: Updated, fixed
most of my gripes with it. I still
have no idea why he's wearing these weird ballet flats for
fighting but that's what the original sprite says, so whatever.