No SDL or SFML? They're two wonderful multimedia layers that work excellently with OpenGL-based code.
Also, I think that it's a bit unnecessary to include Assembly in the list of programming languages; at the least, it shouldn't be at the top of the list. Its use is definitely necessary on simple platforms where handwritten Assembly greatly outperforms anything that a C compiler could ever produce; it's also helpful for speed-critical operations and the rare times you'll need extreme control over hardware (though on most modern x86-based machines this isn't usually possible anyways.) However, 99.999% of the time when you're writing a game in C[++], a modern compiler will generally produce much better machine-level code than someone could hand-write. Even on devices such as smartphones that have an OS that don't often allow decent use of peripherals like FPUs (especially with older Android-based phones), dipping into native code gives a bit of overhead (like with JNI) that makes random integration of native code a bit useless. Not only does putting it at the top make it seem like it's an everyday-essential in the Game Dev world, it also may make people who click it first look at all of this with a "OHHELLNO" reaction, since I think it's agreeable that Assembly is not a comfortable first-dive into the world of Computer Science and programming

I like the addition of Trello into the list of management tools; I've used it a lot for various projects and it's been extremely helpful for keeping ideas in check. Notepad++ is also another good list item; as for something to add, Netbeans ( ) is what I use for larger projects as an IDE.
Since people may want to take on the task of creating some music for their games, perhaps add a list of some programs that make it possible? If you choose to, I'd put a disclaimer explaining that creating music is like creating visual art and both take a lot of practice and learning. As for what you could put on the list, are some things you could put for starters.
It was a great idea to make this topic, for those who don't know anything about game development and want to learn all of the aspects needed!

Searched around for some more material to be added.
OpenAL -- -- (Basically a wrapper to OpenGL/AL/CL for Java)
Panda3D -- (Haven't used but heard good things)