in the same boat as atnas, feels good to be able to check out the pixels in browser. and chrome is an absolute memory wh**e it climbs up so fast. firefox supports idle caching etc i believe. biggest thing i hated is resuming a session on chrome reloads every single tab regardless

firefox only loads a tab when you click on it
I'm using the Aurora experimental Firefox builds, one of the new things is a complete overhaul of the UI, it's ironically more chrome like, but the new tab groups feature is awesome, especially if you go insane with browser tabs (like me) too many resources and too much multitasking O: (on chrome it's not feasible) the fact the tabs go to sleep and don't take up memory and also are just addresses when you start up your browser is a step forward in my opinion, i never manage to go back through my bookmarks very much, you can tell which pages i haven't visited this session by the white

when you enter any of the tab groups it's normal browsing with the tabs up top.
you can go into a customize mode and click and drag all the menus and UI elements to any valid position within their valid nested location, themes aren't working yet.
I recently reinstalled windows purely for Unreal4 development, I miss my universal dark theme from linux

oh thanks for sharing that conceit, i feel there are a lot of initiative that have visibility and awareness as their only real obstacle to succeeding, just shared that on my facebook, which i've never been fond of, but art communities are taking off their so got dragged into that, and that's how the mod team i'm on communicates mostly.
btw anyone who is on flacidbook should check out groups like Draw or Die and LevelUp they are aimed more at illustration concept art and digital art in general but not really pixel art. then there are speed painting groups, 2 main ones being daily spitpainting(30m sharp, no photobashing or photo usage allowed) and supers speed painting funtimes (50m limit, photobashing allowed, also pixels, 3D, anything) the groups tend to grow too large too quick and then get compromised by their own critical mass to some degree, atleast some aspects